Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It's Race Weekend - Prepping the RV

It's race weekend and time to get the RV ready for an unforgettable week at the track.  It's a little different getting ready in Southern California than some of you in other areas of the country after a long winter.

I try to take my RV out once or twice a month year round, so it's fairly easy to get it out of storage, wash off the dust (when needed) and drive it to my house.  "Storage?" you say.  Yes!  I live in a community with a Home Owner's Association that does not allow me to keep it parked or stored at my house.  The earliest I can get it without violating rules and collecting fines is 48 hours.

Check with your HOA or local ordinance when parking / storing your RV.
© Photo by Paul Wilkinson
Because of these restrictions, much of my planning and pre-staging for loading is done in the garage and/or dining room table.  "Garage - Dining Room?" you ask.  Yes!  Most of us in Southern California do not have cool basements like the rest of the world!  (One word, Earthquakes!)
I also live in an area that has been experiencing "severe drought" conditions that can make washing RV's a "finable offense" & receiving the distinct title of being a "water waster".  

Here are 7 suggestions to help you get ready:

1.  Prepare/ print off a list of items that you will need for the week.  Most of us have gotten to the track only to discover that we forgot an important item.  It REALLY sucks if it's something you swore you would never forget again.  Especially your Site Pass & Race Tickets!

2.  Many tracks offer only "DRY" camping with NO hook-ups.  So be sure to top off your fresh water tanks to ensure you are set for the week.  Water & Dumping services may be available at the track but can be expensive.
Most tracks only offer "DRY" camping & charge additional
fees for fresh water/dumping waste.
© Photo by Paul Wilkinson
3.  When loading your RV/Camper, be sure to test ALL the systems, batteries, engine fluids & tire air pressure regardless of whether you plan to use them or not.  This may help you to avoid having to call AAA for a tow later.

4.  While cleaning your rig, be wary of any "critters" that may have made your RV/ Camper their winter home.  This can include anything from ants, mice and bees!  If you do discover mice droppings be doubly sure to review item #3.

Using an RV wash bay can help save water.
© Photo by Paul Wilkinson
5.  Utilize an RV wash bay or use a hose with a shut off nozzle and bucket to reduce any unnecessary water waste.  This is a great time to examine the roof and check for interior leaks.  Although it doesn't rain in SOCAL very often, sun damage can occur to the exterior roof, and severe storms in other parts of the country can increase your chance of interior water damage.

6.  If this is the first time out since winterizing your RV make sure you review your owner's manual and/or authorized dealer's recommendation so that you do not forget an item and unintentionally cause damage to any of your systems.

7.  Some of you ONLY take your RACE BUS / RV out for the races, so don't forget to update your license plate tags and insurance cards if its been in storage since you last had it out.

What are some things that YOU do to get your RV for the races?

Don't forget to "LIKE" us on Facebook and following us on Twitter @InfieldGuru or by clicking the links on the right.  #InfieldNation, #SeeYOUOnTheInfield

** ©2015 The Infield Guru.  The Infield Guru is not affiliated with and does not endorse any specific track or driver.  This article is for information & entertainment purposes only. There are no guarantees regarding the availability or quantities of any of the above items. Prices are subject to change without notice. Please contact the specific track or appropriate websites for more detailed information regarding limits and expiration of these offers.  If the links fail to open for you, check your pop-up blocking software or consider calling the tracks directly.


  1. We always check to be sure the plastic tub with all the Nascar clothes is packed! Since we camp at all the races we go to, we keep it in the RV, but we double check to be sure our favorites are not on the bottom of the dirty clothes hamper in the house!

    1. Very good suggestion! It can be a real bummer when you forget your favorite pair of short or T-Shirt.

  2. I do agree with repair can spare your rooftop. It will be more unmistakable in the event that you utilize EPDM Mobile Home Roof Repair


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