you have picky eaters at your campsite here is a quick, non-messy, very easy
breakfast idea your guests can cook using a pot of boiling water on your campfire or grill that will have them creating their OWN omelets to
suit THEIR taste.
Prepare you ingredients and get ready for an awesome omelet.
Photos by Paul Wilkinson
Cooking Utensils -
size Zip Lock Freezer Bags
(the larger the pot the more bags you an cook at the same time)
Eggs (or Substitute w/ Egg Beaters)
¼ Cup - Shredded Cheese(s) of your choice.
¼ Cup - Diced Meat(s) of your choice (Ham, Bacon,
Sausage, etc).
¼ Cup
- Sliced veggies of your choice (Onion,
peppers, mushrooms, etc.).
or Sauce - Salt/Pepper, Season Salt,
Cheeses and veggies can be prepped prior to heading out and placed in their own
zip lock baggies and stored in your cooler or fridge until ready to use.
- Place
a Pot of water on the grill or campfire and bring to a boil.
- Using
a permanent marker, write your name on your baggie
- Crack
open two (2) Eggs into your baggie, seal and mix until blended.
- Using
a combination of pre-sliced, chopped & diced ingredients (meats, cheese,
veggies, spices), add them to your baggie.
Close and mix together. Do not
over fill.
- Holding
upright, squeeze out the excess air out from your bag and ensure it is
completely sealed.
- Place
bag(s) upright in uncovered pot for 13 minutes (or until eggs are cooked) using the tongs to keep the
baggies upright.
- When
done place bag on heat safe dish and carefully open (or cut top of baggie) and
your omelet will slide out onto your plate.
- Add
any seasonings, sauces or condiments and enjoy.
Pre-Cooking: Mix all you desired Meats, Cheeses & Veggies
© Photos by Paul Wilkinson |
Post-Cooking: Contents will be HOT after cooking - Open Carefully.
© Photos by Paul Wilkinson |
Contents will be extremely hot, use tongs and be careful when opening the
baggie to place on your plate.
seen comments that the maker of "Zip Lock" bags does not recommend
you use their product in this way. Of course
they probably have to say this to take the liability off their company. However, I have found posts from people that
have been making omelets this way for over 10 years.
those of you nay-sayers who want to say cooking with plastic this way is bad for
you...Bah Humbug. Before sharing this
recipe I actually made this myself. It works AND
tastes GREAT!
Season & Serve - Eat Up!
© Photos by Paul Wilkinson |
Make sure your baggie doesn't touch the hot dry part of the pot or
hang over the edge, because it is still plastic, and it WILL melt if exposed to extreme heat.
If you have any great cooking shortcuts & "Hacks" to share please comment below. Don't forget to follow on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on the right and liking our page. Thank you!
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